About Us & Our Team | Top Lids

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Free US Shipping, Free Cutouts, Design at 727-404-4952

Who We Are and Our Team

Tyler Moon, CEO and Head of Client Contact
Having built a successful aquatics retail online store from scratch himself, Tyler searched for the best lid option in the world for his clients, and upon finding Top Lids he knew he'd found it. He brings his expertise of the aquarium market and of what tank owners truly want to Top Lids by designing each and every lid with each client for a perfect tailor-made fit, developing new lid options to solve client problems, and directing the vision of Top Lids into the future to make a bigger and more profound positive impact in the hobby month after month.

Fred Christos, COO and Head of Production
Being one of the original members of Top Lids, Fred had helped build the company from 0 to what it is today. He has seen all of the shifts of client expectations over the years, and is the mastermind behind setting up our production to be able to create the perfect piece of artwork for you guys, quickly and at increasing scale. He also heads all of our product testing and quality check for new products under development.

Leticia Justi, Head of Accounting
From a traditional finance and accounting background, Leticia carries the financial side of Top Lids by helping us schedule and budget our operations and purchases for expansion to be sure we can serve you guys for as many years to come as possible. Her knowledge and commitment to the brand has played a massive role in helping us turn our crazy idea into an actionable reality.

Mari Guize, Head of Administration and Scheduling
With her extremely thorough yet caring nature, Mari works with just about every member of our team to form the foundation of the scheduling and overseeing behind the scenes that allows us to get you your lids on time and in perfect condition. A large part of the day to day success of Top Lids is due to Mari as she makes sure every order is accurate and prompt for each of our clients.

Bruno Santin, Head of Engineering
I don't know if you'll ever meet someone more passionate about engineering as Bruno. His fiery passion and extreme detail comes through in his work as he crafts a majority of our custom lid models for clients. Consistent accuracy and openness to learn new and more efficient ways of doing things are Bruno's peak skills.